LA Council Still Unsettled about Marijuana Dispensaries – Cash Is Ok, Security Guards Needed, Has to be Grown Locally, and Cap on Wages Earned at 100k a Year

When you read all of this, they are spending a lot of time on this subject.  The guards are to be unarmed, and make the cash deposits for the facility.  The amusing and most interesting part though of all of this is putting a cap on wages earned by workers, no more than 100k a year, that’s good income in anyone’s book, but this is not Wall Street either. 

I’m more worried about those salaries on Wall Street than I am about the dispensaries who just in the course of their business are subject to risk with robbers, etc. like a bank would be.  Let’s add some taxes and everyone I think would be happier as even the patients filling their prescriptions have no objections to paying taxes.  BD   image

Dispensaries in Los Angeles could continue to accept cash for medical marijuana under a provision approved by the City Council on Tuesday, after it adopted language carefully crafted to maneuver past the city attorney's adamant position that state law bars the sale of the drug.
Plowing through more than 50 proposed changes to its draft medical marijuana ordinance, the council also signaled that it would probably cap the total number of dispensaries at between 70 and 200. The council asked city officials to return next Wednesday with studies on caps and on restrictions that would keep dispensaries either 500 feet or 1,000 feet from places such as schools and parks. The council also added new restrictions on dispensaries and rejected efforts to loosen requirements.
By the close of the daylong session, the council had made substantial headway on an issue that has bedeviled it for years.

The council readily adopted a series of amendments, most of them offered by Koretz and borrowed from West Hollywood, that added more protections for neighborhoods. Dispensaries would be required to have unarmed security guards who would patrol a two-block area, to provide a contact name to police and residents who live within 500 feet, and to deposit cash once a day.

The council also tangled over an amendment to put a $100,000 cap on salaries at dispensaries. It was offered by Alarcon, who said the dispensary downstairs from his office was making $12,000 a day.
"That's a lot of money," he said. "That's too much money."
The council decided to try to find another way to limit salaries, such as applying standards set by United Way.

L.A. council says pot shops could accept cash --

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