Microsoft Launches Pinpoint Website – Find Experts, Applications and Professional Services


This certainly does the job and I did a quick search myself for healthcare business intelligence software.  There are many sites and browser searches you could do but this appears to mine the partners and services quite well.  The site has a dashboard set up where vendors can make sure they are listed as well.  What is nice is the map that shows up to give the geographic location of where they are in the country.  So far the service is available in the US, the UK, India and a launch upcoming in the Netherlands. 

The listings are all companies using Microsoft Technology solutions, of course and there are over 7,000 software applications listed along with 30,000 Microsoft technology experts.  The menus make it pretty easy and simple to drill down and find what you are looking for.  BD 


Pinpoint is the fast, easy way for business customers to find experts, applications, and professional services to meet their specific business needs—and build on the software they already have.

At the same time, Pinpoint helps developers and technology service providers quickly and easily get software applications and professional services to market—and engage customers who need what they offer.

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