VA Medical Records And a Laptop Computer Found in Garbage In San Antonio

The records were found in a dumpster at an apartment complex and had all the information, social security numbers and more.  The pages clearly show the VA Logo along with a hospital, University Health  next to the VA hospital.image  University Health hospital said they have identified the personal responsible for dumping the medical records and the person apologized.  Why did they do it is my question.

This has to make Vets feel real good.  The newsman returned the information and files to the VA.  As you can’t miss in the news the VA is under scrutiny right now at almost every facility and this just ads more to the fire.  BD

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By law medical documents are private, which is why it was surprising pages of patient information and a laptop, were found in a dumpster at a San Antonio apartment complex.

A man, who asked to be identified only as John, made the discovery while getting rid of some boxes.

"Being in the background of having a lot of medical issues, in my life, I know what medical records look like and I recognized the font, and picked it up out of curiosity know that this should probably not be here," John said.

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