HARD HAT AREA:  (for the geeks here) I thought this was important enough to revisit here with recent discussion with hospitals having a CRM system...there have been some updates here with both V-Tiger and Sugar CRM, both open source software that has plug ins for use with MS Office, and now there are Virtual Boxes for both.  You need a virtual machine to use these such as VM Ware, Microsoft Virtual Server, Xen, etc.  Most savvy IT folks are already using one of these in some fashion or another.  If you are looking at CRM and getting started, this is the trick that can save hours of configuration time and worth taking a look.  I have also included a video from Robert Scoble which tells a bit more, which has been added since the original post.   BD

A JumpBox is a virtual appliance that bundles an entire server based application into a single pre-configured unit. With a JumpBox, you have quick and simple installation on a variety of virtualization platforms.image








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