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Bush Might Address Medicare Physician Fee Cut, Leavitt Says
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt on Wednesday said that the budget Bush will release next month might include a proposal to fix the Medicare physician fee cut, CongressDaily reports. Leavitt said that lawmakers cannot continue to patch the fee cut on "a six-month by six-month basis. Next year, we'll be staring down the barrel of a 15% reduction, and the year after that it's 20, and we have to solve this."
Bush for the first time is required by law to send a Medicare savings proposal to Congress after he proposes his budget because Medicare trustees last year triggered a "Medicare funding warning." The warning is issued when trustees for two consecutive years predict that federal general fund revenue must be used to pay for 45% or more of total Medicare costs within seven years. Aides and lobbyists "say the White House's savings proposal could significantly alter Capitol Hill discussions surrounding Medicare and other health-related issues," CongressDaily reports (Edney, CongressDaily, 1/17).

Congress To Resume Crafting Medicare Legislation That Would Further Delay Physician Fee Cut


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