Recently I posted about the Common User Interface from Microsoft and I spoke with a developer in New Zealand, Synapse, who has done some integration work with the interface.  Graham Chiu of Synapse, is a physician as well as a developer so  he is one busy person and nice to see a physician to be able to find the time for software development.  Below I have screenshots of both the Synapse dashboard and the Common User Interface to show how it looks in Synapse by comparison.image

The Synapse program used the same small blocks to change from one screen to another, just as the Common User Interface uses, thus it made it easy to navigate.  It is not an exact replication and is work in progress with the dashboard, and a little difference in color schemes, but you will be able to see the resemblance, so it made it very simple to use with the scheduler looking the same and the screens for reviewing patient data. 

What I did was download the Synapse Express program and compared both side by side.  Synapse does not have any Silverlight elements included and is written in Rebol Web 3.0 and he was able to make modifications to incorporate the dashboard, so this can be done even with software that is open source and works well with the free Code Plex toolkit provided by Microsoft.  Perhaps we will be seeing more in this area soon from other electronic medical records software companies.  It certainly made it simple to have the same dashboard controls in the same areas with the same/similar graphics interface and controls.  BD   

Appointment Scheduler



Appointments Detailed






Consultations Previewed



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Practice NoticeBoard



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