I try to do my best to keep new technology relating to healthcare posted on this blog and I post about all the agreements that different companies offer and recently about the AMA working on an agreement with HealthVault, which is a good thing, but gosh, do they not have any information to imageshare about their own experiences?  The AMA doesn’t have a forum that I could find and back in January Kaiser and Microsoft had to tell the Senate what a PHR was, even though they have been around for 2 years now, so again why do they tell us this is all “good” for us, are they not part of “us” and in turn fight technology themselves?  

This is the age of the internet and exchanging information, so what’s with it with these folks, can’t the cat come out of the bag here or is there a cat in the bag in the first place?  I think with all the healthcare reform talk that is going around we have a terrible showing from out leaders and those in positions to be role models, are they chicken?  Are we going to have “Magpie Healthcare” reform instead of the “real” thing? 

The lack of participating at the top levels and lack of transparency make for a very untrusting public for the most part and I find it sad that more effort is not being made to relate to the citizens of the US like humans.  I was always under the impression that “us” meant all of “us”, but it appears we have a phenomenal amount of leaders who for whatever reason are afraid to take the dive and roll up their sleeves and participate.  What are those hidden BMIs out there, inquiring minds may want to know.  BD 

Do You Know What Your Doctor Is Talking About – Read up and help stamp out “Magpie Healthcare”

It is not the first time Washington has been disconnected from the general public, but recent discussions over health care reform reveal a D.C. establishment fixated on arguments not central to the general public.

New technologies furthermore give consumers greater control over medical information and treatment. Regardless of what policy decisions Washington makes, America is moving towards “consumer-directed” health care that will transform the practice of medicine. The monopoly over medical treatment held by physicians and hospitals is eroding. In the future, people will use remote sensors to monitor glucose levels and blood pressure; electronic medical records will be utilized for storing information. Information technology will produce the real long-term revolution in health care.

Think tank details its ideas for use of health IT records – Do they use a PHR?

The Health Care Disconnect - Brookings Institution


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