One Note for Office - Test Drive

I have spent the last couple weeks working with the latest version of Microsoft One Note. I have been using One Note ever since the beginning for taking notes in meetings, which is the very basic use, but with the new 2007 edition they have really opened the doors with many new features, including more integration with Outlook and use with a Windows Mobile Device.

For those still using a lot of Word Documents, you can attach a Word document to the file. It even has text recognition in a picture!

I have used the live sharing features to share a page or notebook with another individual in the past and this is awesome, like whiteboarding live, but it is all captured in your notebook!

If you want to see what all the talk is about, try the free online 90 minute live demos, or you can download a 60 day trial. The online demos for all the MS Office products are great.

One Note is for anyone who takes notes. I can't remember the last time I had to drag out an old yellow pad, besides when I need to find a note from 6 months ago, One Note does it. One Note can be used on multiple pcs now as well. What I have done is to use Folder Share on my network. When I return and place the tablet on the network it is synchronized on 2 desktops, thus I never have to worry about ever losing my notes.

Folder Share is also a nice "free" Microsoft program. You can download and set permissions across anywhere on the web or within a small network. On a larger network, you may need to dedicate a port for use.

I have been using Folder Share since Microsoft brought the company into their umbrella, and then made the service free. It uses encryption when synchronizing so all medical folks take note.

Attorneys and the legal profession are also discovering One Note; how convenient can it be to have all your information relative to a case in one place and be able to add more information at any time! One Note is also for a desktop user as well. If you want inking from your desktop, simply purchase a Wacom tablet to use instead of your mouse. It works great and I have one on every desktop.
Take a look at One Note 2007 and if you have not seen an inking program, I think the 90 minute experience will be a real eye opener. To get the most out of One Note, a UMPC or full sized tablet pc really does the whole job.

You never see me at a meeting without the tablet and One Note! It also helps save time for my clients as I don't waste their time with call backs with information I could have provided right from the tablet!

Test drive the 2007 Microsoft Office release - Products - Microsoft Office Online

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara. DrMurdoch here.

    Blog looks great. Your superior knowledge of software should be unleashed on the world ... so I'm glad you are blogging.


    >> Barbara: "I have used the live sharing features to share a page or notebook with another individual in the past and this is awesome, like whiteboarding live, but it is all captured in your notebook!"

    I'll have to try this one day.

    I really like OneNote 2007. Sharing over Hamachi from Office to Home is incredibly easy and robust.

    :) Jason.
