Online CME Credit

I had a client ask me last week about how to get started with Online CME credit. Google is always a good place to start, but then it requires searching each link to find what one may be looking for. To make it easy for my client to get started I compiled a simple listing of some links and will post here for any others just getting started using online CME.
This is the kitchen sink with something for almost anything you could think of being here, with links directly to the sites with CME credit courses, some are free, some cost a few dollars, some are sponsored, while some are not.
American Academy of Family Physicians - RSS Feed - get new articles and podcasts via RSS, podcasts can be set to automatically download to listen at any time with an RSS Feed Program - scroll down mid page to select to add. RSS Feed is the way to go to autopilot receiving updates and podcasts.
These are all free CME courses, some are sponsored and some are not.
Medscape Website - also tracks all your online credits for you as well - search for listings from this page and most are free.
CME Corner - some free and some you pay
Discovery Health Channel CME - free
The last link above goes to the tv listings for Discovery Health CME. In case you want to watch from your computer, there are several free internet TV websites. The link below is to one site that carries the Discovery Channel, but there are plenty of others if you Google internet TV.

1 comment:

  1. Here's another CME site with over 1000 CME opportunities listed:
