RSS Feeds - Valueable , Timely Information

Many of you may already be using RSS Feeds for your news items. In today's world many of us simply do not have the time to sit down and read a newspaper for all the news items we want and need to be informed of. To do a daily search even with a pc on the internet is also very time consuming and can take us away from completing other pressing projects we need to complete.
RSS Feeds are the answer to this issue and can filter and deliver the information you need, daily, hourly or what ever time filter suits your needs. There are many RSS feeds available, along with various version of software to make this work for you. Vista and Outlook 2007 have RSS feed capability built in. RSS Feeds can be used for both business and personal use.
Do you need to keep on top of the latest and breaking medical news? If you are a physician or administrator involved with a heavy work schedule, who has the time to even go to internet favorites and search from there? Do you need the latest information about Medicare? Medicare provides RSS feeds to providers and the general public on the website. This way you can easily keep on top of any new changes in procedures, rules, etc. that pertain to Medicare and some of these go right to the bottom line and influence how one gets paid!! I have included a link to the Medicare site at the bottom of this post where you can subscribe and find out more information. They have also written a complete help section on using RSS feeds, so there's no use to re-invent the wheel here. Podcasts are also made available.
If you haven't explored the world of utilizing RSS feeds in today's busy world, you may be working way to hard to locate and view all the daily health issues that you want to be abreast of! It's simple to get started and once established, new feeds are easily added. Here's the Medicare site for more information:
Sample Feed Title:
Only 141 more days until the National Provider Identifier (NPI) compliance date! Do you have your NPI?

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