Tablet EO UMPC at the Hollywood Bowl from

Linda Epstein at has posted an update on the use of the new Tablet Kiosk EO at the Hollywood Bowl. Linda and I chatted quite a bit at the last Tablet Kiosk show. Her site is always updated with the latest information about using tablet pc. The Hollywood Bowl has been using tablets for over a couple years now and recently have made the move to the smaller EO unit as it is much smaller and easier to carry around. I have included a picture here with the engineer and the EO.
The reason I have included this article is really demonstrate the innovations being use with the UMPC units. If it can do this type of functionality with a very complex sound system, imagine what it can do for the medical business. A unit could easily be used to stream media from a Media Center PC, which with Vista, can now be added to a domain for complete IT management and control. Educational videos, lectures can all be streamed internally for a unique learning experience anywhere and this can really be helpful in getting valued information to attendees who cannot attend a session in person!

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