High Tech Rendered Low Tech while Passing the Baton of Communication

From the EMR Update page from my friend Dr. Wilkerson...good EMR at one end and perhaps not as organized at the other end...BD

My son lacerated his spleen last week while in San Francisco at a Skateboard Tournament. He was at Seaton Hospital for 2.5 days to make sure he was stable and not hemorrhaging.

He is home now and saw his internist who uses Misys EMR. The internist rightly needs the medical records. So he gave me son paper medical release forms to fill out and fax to Seaton in Frisco.

No doubt this will take days if not weeks to get his medical records. This is the kind of communication bottleneck/roadblock that could and should be solved in minutes not days and weeks.

C.M.Wilkerson, D.C.
Carson Doctors Group
TabletPCs in Medicine
Home: www.Digital-Doc.com

Source: emrupdate.com - High Tech Rendered Low Tech while Passing the Baton of Communication

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