Is Pay for Performance spreading to WellPoint?

This sure sounds like another round of patients it sure appears that we might have prevention running out our ears...but I sure hope this doesn't detract from medical care when it is needed, regardless of whether any prevention methodologies were or were not implemented...BD

WellPoint officials on Tuesday said the company will link 5% of its employees' overall annual bonuses to measures of care that health plan members receive, the Indianapolis Star reports (Rudavsky, Indianapolis Star, 4/4). Under the program, employees will receive larger bonuses if plan members increased their use of preventive health care, such as immunizations, cancer screenings and diabetes-management tools. The bonus calculations will be based on a "member health index," a formula that measures patients' overall health levels, including how often they visited the emergency department, how often they received preventive care and whether they were taking prescribed medications.

Source: WellPoint To Link 5% Of Employees' Annual Bonuses To Measures Of Care Plan Members Receive

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