Massachusetts Connector Likely To Approve Health Insurance Exemptions

Not sure how this could work...a law passed for all to have mandatory insurance and now a 20% exemption for low income categories...BD 

The Massachusetts Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector on Thursday likely will approve a proposal to exempt almost 20% of uninsured residents from a state law enacted last year that requires all residents to obtain health insurance, the Boston Globe reports. Under the law, state residents who do not obtain health insurance could face fines or tax penalties. However, the law requires that the state exempt residents who cannot afford health insurance, with the definition of affordability left to the Connector. The proposal that the Connector likely will approve would exempt from the law about 60,000 low- and moderate-income residents who do not qualify for state subsidies, or about 1% of the population (Dembner, Boston Globe, 4/12).

Source: Massachusetts Connector Likely To Approve Health Insurance Exemptions

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