10 More Patients at Los Angeles Hospital Get CT Radiation Overdose

This time it is not Cedars but a hospital in the Glendale, CA area and a lot less patients, but that doesn’t make a lot of difference if you are one of the patients affected.  It looks like a similar software type of issue with reprogramming.  After having written code for a while, one thing you do with code, is look and review, and look and review, and look and review….you get get the picture before you compile it for use.  BD  image

LOS ANGELES —  A second hospital in Los Angeles County says patients received overdoses of radiation from CT scans.

Glendale Adventist Medical Center says 10 patients who were scanned for possible strokes earlier this year received three to four times the normal radiation dose. One suffered hair loss. All have been notified of the error.

Hospital officials said Friday that the overdoses occurred after a machine was reprogrammed for a new scanning protocol that was supposed to help doctors find strokes

Patients Get Overdose of Radiation From CT Scans at Los Angeles Hospital - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com

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