Dodge Is Using Microsoft Tags To Give Away Prizes – Why Can’t the FDA Use the Same Technology for Medical Device Information And Save Lives?

If you are a regular reader of this blog you know I have suggested this before and even sent it off to the FDA without a response, well so much for imagethose “contact us” pages I guess.  It’s more important it seems to have a chance to win a prize than maybe save a life?  I am not discounting this at all and think it is neat, but when I see something this simple that can save lives I get a little frustrated you might say as everything seems to revolve around entertainment first.  We need entertainment by all means, certainly, but some technologies can do both!  Just read the story at the link below about the man who died as he was implanted with a device that had been recalled and the hospital still had it on the shelf and nobody knew.  With this, scan the package of the device and get the latest safety or recall information, with a phone no less, no special equipment required.  It could have have saved that man’s life. 

Tracking Medical Device Recalls – Sounds Like A Good Place for a Microsoft Tag Data Base at the FDA

Shoot even General Mills is putting tags on their food products in the stores and device information that I am speaking of would be public information for patients, hospitals and doctors alike. I must be addressing non participants in Health IT once again, frustrating, and I’m only trying to suggest something that would save lives?   Here’s a couple tags to experiment with, software is free and soon the technology will be used to help you populate your PHRs. 


Hold your phone up to the computer screen and use the Microsoft Tag software on your Windows Mobile, BlackBerry or iPhone and give it a try.  These tags are also working their way into the PHR side too, check out the link below, an upcoming easy way to use your phone and get your personal health record information, EOB, etc. added. 

RazCode/Windows Tags – Bar Coding to Add Information to PHRs, EHRs, and More…


The technology can make it to People Magazine and Dodge but can’t penetrate the FDA?  What’s up with this?  BD 

Tag is spreading! In this  weeks issue of People Magazine, we were surprised to see that Dodge had an advertisement that uses a Microsoft Tag! This is a great example of how companies can use tag in ads such as this one. This ad when snapped will take you to a contest page! You are able to enter and win some really cool prizes from Dodge!

Microsoft Tag : Dodge is Using Tag!

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