If You Are Too Fat You Can’t Graduate From This University Unless You Take the “Fitness for Life” Class

This is drawing a lot of fire and in addition to using the BMI rule, they also measure the circumference of their waste to ensure folks with heavy muscle mass are not caught up in this.  One student makes the comment that she feels this should be mandatory for all students, which in a way makes sense as making it a requirement for everyone I think, so if you missed out on gaining healthy habits earlier in life, well here’s a chance to catch up.  It’s almost like bringing “Phys Ed” class back with some additional requirements.  Students of course can take a self test and have an official test all year long though.  BD 


(CNN) -- Most college students expect to receive their diplomas on the basis of grades, but at a Pennsylvania school, physical fitness matters too.

Students at Lincoln University with a body mass index of 30 or above, reflective of obesity, must take a fitness course that meets three hours per week. Those who are assigned to the class but do not complete it cannot graduate.

Now that the first class to have this requirement imposed is nearing graduation day -- students who entered in the fall of 2006 -- the school faces criticism from both students and outsiders about the fitness class policy.

One of those students is Tiana Lawson, 21, whose recent editorial in the student paper has drawn national attention to the issue. Lawson wrote in The Lincolnian that she would be more understanding if the requirement applied to everyone. She thinks all students, not just those with a high BMI, should have to take the class.

The fitness course, called "Fitness for Life," consists of activities including water aerobics, Tai Bo and aerobic dance, he said.

Because BMI is not a perfect measure of obesity, students also have their waist circumference measured, he said. There are some people who have a high BMI because of their muscle mass, but are not actually obese, and the waist measurement is meant to weed out those people.

College's too-fat-to-graduate rule under fire - CNN.com

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