Sanofi Making Phone Calls Today to Lay Off Drug Reps

Is this “Black Monday” for many drug reps?  I am guessing we will hear later as to how many reps actually lost their jobs at Sanofi.  As you can read below there was a preview of this event just before Thanksgiving and at least the news didn’t ruin the holiday, or should I say this holiday as Christmas and New Years is right around the corner.  image

Drug rep layoffs have been in the news of late with many pharma companies, a couple recent examples are listed at the links below.  BD

Drug Rep News – No Overtime for Novartis Reps and Astra Zeneca Offers Buy Outs for US Reps

Johnson and Johnson To Eliminate More Than 7000 ...

Sanofi-Aventis (SNY) began calling hundreds of its drug sales reps today to tell them whether they were being laid off or keeping their jobs. A company spokesperson declined to comment when asked by BNET how many reps were affected.

The Sanofi message board on Cafe Pharma has been on fire all morning, with more than 300 users reading and commenting on a stream of threads about the layoffs. Those threads indicate that district managers were given lists of who they had to cut yesterday, but were under instructions not to start making their calls until this morning.

Note to HR and PR managers: If you want your workforce to publish derogatory material about your company on the internet, then ask them all to stay at home on a day when you’ve got bad news to announce.

BNET broke the news on Wednesday that the layoffs were to take place today. That led to a stressful Thanksgiving for many.

Sanofi Calls Hundreds of Reps With Layoff News | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

Hat Tip:  Pharmagossip

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