The Bionic Finger Has Arrived – ProDigits from Touch Bionics

The world of prosthetics just keeps getting better all the time.  If you watch the video you can see the individual pick her choice of candy from a box of chocolates.  image

The one thing it allows is the ability to grip.  You do have to recharge the unit. 

It has a sleeve that fits over to make the device look like a normal hand/finger.  The company also makes full hand prosthetics. 

From the website:

“The nature of each partial-hand patient case is unique, and therefore each prosthetic build is also unique. The concept behind ProDigits is something never before commercially available in the prosthetics industry. Touch Bionics’ development of a powered interface for this patient group is truly revolutionary. Sockets are custom-designed and fabricated by clinicians to suit each individual’s specific needs.

Because of the personalized nature of each ProDigits fitting, Touch Bionics is developing a clinical collaborator program in the U.S. that will see the company partner with practitioners in order to fit patients. Around the world Touch Bionics has established relationships and distribution channels in over 40 countries to support the roll-out of ProDigits – supported from its Centre of Excellence in Livingston, Scotland.”


The fact that the hand is such a debilitating body part to lose has spurred researchers to develop a bionic replacement that is more functional and aesthetically pleasing than the hooks apparently favored by pirates. While seemingly not as severe as the loss of an entire hand, the loss of fingers can be just as much of a hindrance and represents the largest group of arm amputees. Short of removing the remaining partial hand, there has been no bionic option available to replace missing fingers. Now, a developer of upper-limb bionic technologies has addressed this deficit with the launch of ProDigits, the world’s first powered-bionic finger.

Made by Touch Bionics, the same company responsible for the i-LIMB Hand, each ProDigits prosthetic build is unique; just as each partial-hand patient is unique. Sockets are custom-designed and fabricated by clinicians to suit the individual’s specific needs. The key to enabling the fitting of many different partial hand configurations lies in each finger (including thumbs) being capable functioning as a standalone unit.

Touch Bionics launches world’s first bionic finger

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