California Medical Association Opposes Senate Healthcare Bill

The CMA is the second largest doctors group in the US, second only to the TMA in Texas.  Many other doctor associations in other states have also expressed their opposition.  No word yet on how the association stands on the House version.  BD


The state's largest doctors group is opposing healthcare legislation being debated in the U.S. Senate this week, saying it would increase local healthcare costs and restrict access to care for elderly and low-income patients.
The California Medical Assn. represents more than 35,000 physicians, making it the second-largest state medical group in the country after Texas.
Its executive committee met last week to discuss the Senate legislation proposed last month by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Association leaders plan to announce their opposition later this week before a vote is taken in the Senate, spokesman Andrew LaMar told The Times.

California Medical Assn. officials have made their position clear to Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein (both D-Calif.), LaMar said, and have been told that the senators are conveying their concerns to congressional leaders. Boxer supports the bill; Feinstein has not yet taken a position.

Only about a third of California doctors currently accept MediCal, and GnanaDev said that would probably decrease under the Senate plan.

California doctors group opposes U.S. Senate's healthcare plan --

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