Cleveland Clinic Digital Records System and Explorys Data Base Commercialization Project

This is a nice video on how they do electronic records at the Cleveland Clinic.  They do a lot of things right there as does Mayo and Johns Hopkins imagetoo.  One doctor says it’s about how you use the technology that created results.  The one picture here looks like a real collaboration, each with their computer on wheels (COWS).

Also in the news today from the AMA – a new company formed at the Cleveland Clinic

“A newly formed company called Explorys is commercializing the patient database search system Cleveland Clinic developed. According to Stephen McHale, chief executive officer and co-founder of Explorys, health care organizations that sign on as partners will pay an annual subscription fee and have the option of sharing their data with the rest of the network, and making use of data others choose to share.”

“The Cleveland Clinic has provided some financial backing for the company and will earn royalties under a licensing agreement. Explorys expects to be up and running with partners outside of Cleveland Clinic sometime in 2010.”

This software venture may raise additional income for the center, how much in licensing is not known.  There will be unidentified patient information to be used for research and maybe insurance mining later the article stated.  We all know about unidentified patient information data bases and how queries can be run in queries with other data bases to match information, I’ve done that, so they are still looking all all areas of security before moving forward.  One item mentioned in the video as well is how the phased in the electronic system over time and said if they would have done this all at once, he felt it may not have worked out as well as it has.  BD 


CLEVELAND--When Albert Giuliani wakes up each morning, he steps on a scale, takes his blood pressure and pricks his finger to test his sugar levels. Though he's lived with diabetes and hypertension for decades, he no longer has to bother with pen and paper. The results are automatically uploaded to an electronic record that he and his doctor at the Cleveland Clinic can check anytime.

It's a far cry from how Giuliani, 55, used to handle his health care. A busy public defender, he rarely made it to a doctor's appointment without having to reschedule because of a trial or emergency meeting. Now, with regular monitoring, Giuliani has much more energy and saves hundreds of dollars on medicine.

The way Giuliani manages his disease illustrates the potential for improving patient care in the digital age. Few places can claim to be as far down this road as the Cleveland Clinic, a prestigious medical center that President Obama has praised for having "one of the best health information technology systems in the country."

Can Cleveland Clinic Be A Model For Digital Medicine?

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