Health Insurance Industry Contributions to Senators Listed

Is this partially the reason we have so many millionaires in Congress and does it have any influence on the Senate version of the healthcare reform bill?  I realize this is just one entity as there are others who contribute as well, but the antitrust laws and insurance company exclusions are a hot imagetopic right now and the software companies that create EHR/EMR programs that we use are not exempt.  BD 

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is being released by Common Cause and Public Campaign:

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) is offering an amendment to the health care reform bill that would repeal the health insurance industry's legal exemptions for violations such as price fixing, bid rigging and market allocation. The insurance industry fiercely opposes the repeal, which would subject health insurance companies to the same federal antitrust laws that already apply to most other businesses.

According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics, health insurance companies have donated $17.5 million - an average of $176,574 per U.S. senator - since 1989 to current members of the Senate, who will likely vote on the amendment in the coming days.

Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who has received $536,846 from health insurance companies, has reportedly moved to block the amendment from inclusion in the Senate bill. He is one of 30 Senators who have received at least $200,000 from this industry since 1989.

Health Insurance Industry Once Again Hoping Investment Pays Off

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