No More Medicare Consultation Codes Soon – A Medical Billing Minute Explains (Video)

This is a good and to the point video, especially when he points out that regular insurance claims will still use the codes, and….if Medicare is the imagesecondary payer with these codes, it doesn’t appear you will get paid. 
Fragmentation on billing!!  Now why can’t all of this come together with insurance and Medicare agreeing on the darn billing codes and make a mess out of this for everyone? 
A little collaboration would be extremely nice in instances like this, so what happened to the idea of cutting down the administrative rhetoric for the doctors? 
This looks like a case of smoke and mirrors from this angle of reform.  BD 

Medicare has eliminated the consultation codes. Now you will have to bill using regular office visit codes and hospital admit codes. Medical practices stand to loose revenue. This episode of the Medical Billing Minute explains the Medicare changes.
YouTube - Medical Billing Minute - Elimination of Medicare Consultation Codes

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