California Serious About Infrastructure Updates - Creates Portal for State's 10,000 IT Workers

This is a good thing as IT workers in the state can collaborate and have an entire network along with discussion areas to work on problems and issues.  It also has the capability to train individuals for future jobs. 

No doubt healthcare IT will fit into the projects without question as that is a hot topic today and an area that needs immediate attention.  With putting some of the most innovative technology individuals together to collaborate I think this will be a winner.  So far over 400 have registered.  BD  image

Developed specifically for California IT workers, Calinfo was launched in mid-May. It aims to allow users to share useful products, receive useful content and above all, information.

"It's not only a repository, they can also continue to work on it," California CIO Teri Takai told Government Technology. "It becomes almost an internal Wikipedia concept ... you can improve and refine ideas, so it's out there to share."

"The site contains a wiki, forums, areas for document sharing and blogging, and a calendar of events," Jack Gibbons, OCIO Program Management and Policy Office principal, wrote in a blog post. "Calinfo represents a framework for a future, content-rich site that many state IT communities will find useful."

The website was developed by a group of 25 state IT managers as part of the yearlong IT Managers Academy -- a competitive program hosted by the state Office of Technology Services for state IT managers. The program hones collaboration, leadership and negotiation skills, as well as trains them for future executive roles. Participants are nominated by their own department, then screened and potentially chosen for the program by an IT management group, Takai said. The cost per person is $3,000, which is covered by the nominating agency, said OCIO spokesman Bill Maile.

"This one had a buzz about it," Gibbons said, noting that as the baby boomer generation heads toward the exit, those replacing it are already using peer-to-peer networks.

The portal requires that users be current California IT workers, with a "," "," or other valid and recognized state agency e-mail address.  Nearly 400 state IT workers registered the first two days after its launch, and the hope is to capture all 10,000-plus workers.

California Creates Portal for State's 10,000 IT Workers

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