Microsoft Tag Officially Out of Beta – New Features And Tag Format Added - Suggestions for Healthcare/FDA Use

If you have been reading here at the Medical Quack I have several posts on how Tags can work in healthcare and you can follow the link below to read more and here’s a imagecouple paragraphs from the introduction area.  French, Spanish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese and Italian have been added to the languages supported.  There’s also word on a "heat map" feature which SEO folks know all about, but if you don’t know this is a visual that shows where your tags are being viewed, neat stuff and will be anxious for that feature to come out. 

Microsoft Tags – Microsoft MSDN Posts Ideas from the Medical Quack About Use in Healthcare!

“If you are a regular reader here at the Quack, I have had a small campaign going on with posts about how this technology could solve a lot of issues, main one being some ideas with recalls at the FDA.  Microsoft Tags was kind enough today to include my thoughts today so in case you are not on Twitter or one of the other social networks, here’s the article below.  Many thanks again to Microsoft for the consideration here, I was speaking out loud here a bit on what I thought might be a simple for consumer to use technology that could save lives. 

You can also view the entire article here at Microsoft Tags and by all means download and get try it out on your phone, very simple and easy to use.  Try making a tag of your own.  I keep a couple of my Tag samples on the blog for anyone to practice with as well under the resources on the right hand side.

Also, check out Microsoft Gov who also posted about this potential life saving technology too:

Do Microsoft Tags Belong in Healthcare? (Same post but directed toward government use/readers)”

The website has a whole new look too. 

The link below explores the use with Surface and contains a nice comment from a “Mom” who would really like to be able to scan medications at the store or at home for recalls, as she had 7 J and J products to look up as a mother of 2 children that were using the products. 

Microsoft Tags in Healthcare – Comments and Demonstration at “Microsoft Connected Conference” with Surface


The purpose of my campaign here at the blog is safely and information as many devices miss getting pulled from the hospital shelves and people die getting implanted with devices that are defective and have been recalled.  In addition with all the recall notices we are receiving today from the FDA, and this will continue to grow, the ability to find and verify a product on a shelf would be huge for the consumer, versus what we have to do now, go the web, do a search, and rummage through the FDA pages and search. 

If you read the post above, some FDA recalls were missed as they ended up in a different area of the recall notices where the public couldn’t find the, Yaz and Premrpo so enough said on that topic.

Sample of how to create a tag and quite a few choices here too. 


The new “tag” format is now available and you can make your tag black and white too.


I found I already had some statistic on my Tags and how many were checking them out.  Here’s a sample of one of them and you can see I made this tag way back in April of 2009!


There are quite a few supported devices too, the page allows you to click on the drop down area to find your phone.


As you can see at the site the use is growing outside of healthcare for advertising and promotions so why not add some educational and helpful information that relates to something we all have “health” in one form or another.  BD

Eighteen months ago we launched Microsoft Tag, our mobile barcode technology. Since then more than 1 billion Tags have been printed by people and businesses all over the world. In the month of April alone, more than 20 million magazines with Tags were in the hands of U.S. consumers.

Today we’re announcing that Tag is coming out of beta and that basic use of Tags will be free of charge. This means you will be able to generate and use Tags that link to our standard scenarios, such as linking directly to webpages, and use the reader application at no cost. By simply going to, you can create Tags and deliver rich interactive experiences on mobile phones, track your Tags, and read about how companies such as Conde Nast and others are using Tag.

Because of the feedback from businesses using Tag, we also plan to offer the ability to create more powerful solutions through a variety of value-added services, such as advanced reporting and analytics and real-time location services. We will add these and other value-added features over time.

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