Microsoft Tags (Booth Tags) Coming to A Convention Soon – Maybe A Healthcare Show?

The technology is hot and you can watch the video below with folks taking their phone and pointing and aiming for instant information.  Below you can see if you have not already caught my thoughts for their use in healthcare, which we need now for safety, recalls, etc.  It would certainly be nice to see both companies and the FDA finally work together and bring information and safety to all of us instead of “no system” which is what we have now.  At a show, no more having to carry “bags” of paper around, just the goodies.  BD 

  • Create personal engagement and connections between exhibitors and attendees through mobile technology
  • Generate value for attendees, exhibitors and tradeshow producers with data reporting, contact information and analytics
  • Microsoft Tags – Microsoft MSDN Posts Ideas from the Medical Quack About Use in Healthcare!

    “If you are a regular reader here at the Quack, I have had a small campaign going on with posts about how this technology could solve a lot of issues, main one being some ideas with recalls at the FDA.  Microsoft Tags was kind enough today to include my thoughts today so in case you are not on Twitter or one of the other social networks, here’s the article below.  Many thanks again to Microsoft for the consideration here, I was speaking out loud here a bit on what I thought might be a simple for consumer to use technology that could save lives.” 


    BoothTag | creating micro-local communities

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