Octomom Sporting New Advertising “Don’t Let Your Dog or Cat Become an Octomom – Spay and Neuter”

I had to post this one, saw it on Twitter earlier and it was too much to pass up.  She’s getting paid for this and this is being done to endorse the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.  You can visit their website here for more information. 

I hope this works for the sake of the animals and it is cute and different attention getter too.  BD 


The sign, which measures 3 feet by 4 feet, reads, "Don't let your dog or cat become an 'Octomom.' Always spay or neuter. PETA." Alongside the text is an image of a cat nursing a litter of young kittens. In exchange for the advertising placement, Suleman will receive a $5,000 payment from PETA and a month's supply of vegan hot dogs and Boca burgers. Suleman has said that she typically spends $1,000 each month on groceries.

Nadya Suleman, the 34-year-old mother of 14 whose delivery of eight babies conceived through in vitro fertilization last year earned her the nickname "Octomom," has made good on her promise to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals by unveiling a sign promoting animal birth control in her front yard.

'Octomom' Nadya Suleman unveils spay and neuter sign for PETA on her front lawn | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times

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