Biggest Nursing Strike in US Begins Today in Minnesota – Judge in California Prohibits Nurses from Participating but Not Before Millions of Dollars Were Spent Flying In Nurses From All Over to Cover

This is big as 12,000 nurses are on strike today.  We talk about patient safety and nobody sees that more than the nurses who are the constants we rely on at the hospital today. 

Around 10,000 nurses were going to participate today in California until a judge said they could not, so in exchange nurses will be holding rallies in California.  The imageplanned strike in California was to take place at all 5 University of California hospitals and a few others represented by the California Nurses Association.  The LA Times reported that UC health officials were even flying in nurses from the east coast to cover their expenses and some surgical procedures were cancelled. 

After the judge issued the order in California, UC hospitals still had to foot a bill of around $7 to $8 million, so some nurses had a California vacation it sounds like, paid for by the hospitals.  It is getting pretty expensive to agree to disagree these days and not be able to come to terms and granted a lot of this is not the hospital or nurses fault and is only the effect of current economic conditions and lack of true reform and real care for patients. 

HHS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government

Health IT is growing rapidly and the inability of individuals in positions of authority to implement new technology with still providing the human caring hand is really beginning to show, and most in power are among the “non participants” so they can see the forest for the trees and still prescribe to the dying paradigm of “its for those guys over there” and “we know what is good for you”.  It is a sad state of affairs with leaders who can’t understand this and continue in the same old dying image“8-track” thought processes.  BD 

The biggest nursing strike in American history began at 7 a.m. as members of the Minnesota Nurses Association began walking picket lines at 14 Twin Cities hospitals, which responded with replacement staffing from around the country. 

Pickets crowded the sidewalks around Abbott Northwestern, Fairview Southdale, Park Nicollet Methodist and other hospitals, and a number of Minnesota political figures said they would walk the lines with the nurses. Virtually all of the union's 12,000 members were expected to participate in what is planned as a 24-hour walkout. At midweek, hospitals appeared to be intensifying security in lobbies and other public areas.

"I know how stressful it can be when you feel you can't do one more thing," Schuerman said, "whether it's patient education or holding someone's hand."

An issue of primary concern for her, she said, was the hospitals seeking a one-third reduction in their contribution to the nurses' pension fund.

Nurses picket; security beefed up |

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