L.A. Shuts Down Over 400 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries – Will Sales for the IPhone Cannibus Locater App Suffer?

The stores who had not filed back in 2007 are slated to close and so far it has gone pretty smoothly.  Those that had filed back in 2007 have to register again and fill out some new paperwork stating they will comply with new city ordinances.  Now in the title here I had a little humor as there is an IPhone app to locate Cannibus that can be purchased for $3.00 but I could be wrong, the program could even be more valuable now that there will only be 127 dispensaries open.  Here’s a little history on the application from a few months ago. 

We may not have heard the last on this topic and there’s the downside of the landlords losing tenants and rent.  It’s a big drop but perhaps the 127 that will be left will be enough to handle medical marijuana prescriptions.  BD

Officials with the city attorney's office said they believe there will be "substantial compliance" with the ordinance that went into effect Monday shutting down more than 400 medical marijuana dispensaries that opened in Los Angeles over the last 2 1/2 years.

But despite those expectations, Assistant City Atty. Asha Greenberg said her office wouldn't rule out taking "enforcement action" against possible holdouts.

“I don’t think anyone should assume they can remain open and that the city is not going to take any action anytime soon," Greenberg said. "It's a definite possibility. Anyone who is not living in a cave [knows about the ordinance] because it's been so widely publicized."

"I thought it was going to be a little crazy," James Catipay, 33, said as he exited the office with his business partner Peter Tejera. The two operate Herbalcure in Los Angeles and although they have a week to file their paperwork, they wanted to do it as soon as possible.

L.A. marijuana dispensary shutdown going smoothly -- so far | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times


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