New Blood Test Approved by FDA Evaluates Ovarian Masses for Malignancy Prior to Surgery

The test is done pre-surgery and is a pre-operative evaluation.  Quest Diagnostics has the test and women must have not already been referred to a specialist in imageoncology.  The test if negative results would generate that need I would assume immediately.  

Ovarian masses are common place and the test can determine if it is malignant, again prior to surgery with testing 5 proteins in a blood test.

The new blood test is 92% accurate, compared to conventional screenings with CAT scans which are at 72% so this sounds like this is well worth it’s effort by all means.  One attribute that is a positive for ovarian cancer is that if caught early enough, the cancer is contained within the ovary and women can go about life just fine without one or both of them.  BD 


More than a million women are living with ovarian masses. Twenty-two thousand of them will be told that they have cancer and more than 14,000 women will die this year.

Traditional tests missed Cindy Hastings' cancer. A routine surgery turned into a hysterectomy when doctors finally spotted it. Then, she had a second surgery to make sure the cancer didn't spread.

The test -- called OVA1 -- reads five specific proteins in a woman's blood. It can determine if an ovarian mass is malignant, benign or if the patient needs to see a specialist for surgery.

"If I would have known and had the OVA1 prior, I wouldn't have had to have the second surgery. I would have just gone right on to the oncology doctor," said Hastings.

This is the first laboratory blood test that can help doctors determine if a woman is at risk for ovarian cancer. The test can indicate the likelihood of a woman getting the cancer with high sensitivity before any biopsy or surgery. The OVA1 is an in-vitro diagnostic multivariate index test that uses results from five immunoassays to produce a single score showing the likelihood of cancer. Having the OVA1 allows for a pre-operative evaluation to help doctors assess the likelihood of surgery and care for the woman. Vermillion, Inc., a molecular diagnostics company, with the help of Quest Diagnostics, developed the OVA1. To qualify for the test, women must meet the following criteria: be over age 18, have an ovarian adnexal mass present for which surgery is planned and must not yet be referred to an oncologist.

Can cancer be detected w/ a drop of blood? |

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