Pin Up Calendar Images – “Radiology Style” To Spice Up That PACS Server

This was just too funny to pass up, so this is what the radiology folks get in the way of pin up pictures (grin).  The shoes really show up well with imaging too:)  There are a few more images to check out at the site here. 

Scanman, a blogging radiologist was kind enough to spread the word via Twitter and he says radiology is hot!!  Perhaps too, this is as good as it gets (grin).  This was an advertising campaign to sell diagnostic equipment and I don’t know how it worked as far as marketing, but the images are classic and too funny with the calendar featuring a pin up of the month!  BD 




The advertising campaign, entitled Pin-up Calendar 2010 made the agency Butter for the company Eizo, which manufactures medical diagnostic equipment. The originality of this calendar is that it shows not just a half-naked models, as in many other similar calendars, and radiographs of these models.

Daily Art Press: Pin-Up Calendar 2010 By Butter

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