Who Wants To Be A Patient In the Hospital - Pfizer CEO Jeff Kindler Says He Didn’t Care for the Experience

This is a pretty good analogy of what it amounts to today.  He continues on to make the comparison of the NHS not having all the billing complications we have here in the US, but basically he talks from his own experience here with his own experience.

Kudos here as we don’t find anyone in our own government saying much about this when they have had the experience of being an inpatient as they all seem to imagethink this still is an experience “for those guys over there”.  I read part of his talk on Fast Company yesterday as well as here.  The classic comment here would have to be what he states about the administrative end of things “the paper pushers don’t provide any medical services, they are just the “rent seekers”.(grin)

The truth of the matter today is that we do have a ton of “rent seekers” that make billions of dollars with algorithmic software for billing and performance that adds up to why part of our healthcare system is so expensive.  BD  

Pfizer (PFE) CEO Jeff Kindler went into hospital for “a minor procedure” recently and described it as akin to being held naked in prison with bad food and excessive bureaucracy. If only he’d had that experience before Congress passed healthcare reform, things might have been very different.

Kindler is the current chairman of PhRMA, the pharmaceutical industry lobby group that struck the deal with President Obama to get the reform bill passed.

“First the paperwork — three or four times paperwork has to filled out and given to a succession of strangers. Then they take all of your belongings, they tell you to take your clothes off, and make you put on a gown that leaves you nearly naked, put in you in very small room, bring you inedible food according to a schedule they determine.

And if you try to sleep, they leave lights on, and do everything they can to make sure you can’t. At the end, if you are lucky, they deign to discharge you.”

Pfizer CEO's Hospital Stay Was a Kafkaesque Prison of His Own Making | BNET Pharma Blog | BNET

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