Blood Pressure Control for Diabetes Showed Control at 130 Versus 140 Made No Difference Relative to Heart Disease

I would say this study  may stand to have some effect on prescribing drugs for blood pressure control and over 120 is considered to be reaching up there to the high side with 130 of course being at the small end and 140 being considered high.  As the article states diabetics need to keep blood pressure under control like the rest imageof us but in the end a tighter control was not having any effect on strokes, heart attacks, etc. so there’s not a big additional endangerment.  BD

They found that using a combination of drugs to keep diabetic patients' top blood pressure readings below 130 offered no benefit over those whose top reading was below 140 -- the cutoff point for high blood pressure.

Normal blood pressure for healthy people is considered to be 120/80 or lower.

The study is the latest to look at whether treating diabetics aggressively with drugs to control their risk of a heart attack or stroke has any benefit. Several teams have found it in fact can be dangerous for some patients.

Those with tight control had blood pressure under 130; those with average control had blood pressure under 140 and those whose blood pressure was over 140 were considered uncontrolled.

"What we found was that the tight control group -- those with systolic blood pressure of 130 -- did no better with regard to the overall outcome of death, heart attack or stroke. There was no difference, and in fact those they may have done a little worse," Cooper-DeHoff said in a telephone interview.

Blood pressure goals for diabetics -- too tough? | Reuters

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