Medical Tourism - Bariatric Surgery Gone South in Mexico

Many people travel to other countries to have surgical procedures and do just fine; however this story is about a woman who could not afford to have the surgery imagedone here and searched the internet.  She now has to have a procedure done here in the US to correct the botched surgery she had in Mexico.

In the video she states there were basically 2 doctors to choose from who did this procedure and and interview with a US doctor in Texas talks about the cases he has had to fix.  As I understand this is a bariatric procedure that was somewhat unique, being only 2 doctors do the procedure.  The surgery was done at a hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. 

Like anywhere some procedures are done more frequently and this was a procedure done to help her lose weight.  Buyer beware is the message here.  Her insurance would not pay for her to have the surgery here.  She had the surgery in Mexico for about half the price for $12,000 and here the price was around $24,000.  If she doesn’t have another surgical procedure she will slowly die.  The video states that when complications arise with surgical procedures outside the US, that is when problems begin.  BD   


"There are not very many bariatric surgeons doing the surgery I wanted in Mexico, in fact, there were only two and unfortunately I picked the worst one of the two," Hersom said.
At 300 pounds Larissa's insurance wouldn't pay for a procedure called Duodenal Switch which basically trims the stomach to the size of a banana..
Larissa lost her job but was able to get a loan and then searched the internet for the best deal possible.

Medical tourism: Buyer Beware - KDAF


  1. First off I would like to say that I am very sorry that this women had such a traumatic experience in Mexico. Tijuana would probably not have been my first choice of Mexican destinations to begin with.
    Guadalajara charged me 9,000 usd and I had a great experience. I am a native from Texas and I do not feel that any DOCTOR or surgeon that I spoke to about my bariatric weight loss procedure was anywhere near as knowledgeable in the area as my Surgeon in Guadalajara. I also noticed the women mentioned " the surgery I wanted" When I flew into Guadalajara and my team of specialist ran all the test on me to give me the ok before my surgery came to the conclusion based on my health and test results my best option for better results would be the gastric sleeve as opposed to bypass surgery. Here I am 23 years later and almost 150 pounds lighter and I could no be happier. I get all kinds of e-mails and even virtue calls from My team in Guadalajara. I will be going back soon for Plastic Surgery and I can have all of this hanging skin removed. I went through a Medical Tourism company named Qualitycaremexico just ask for Nora. She's the best

  2. I know you said you had bariatric surgery in guadalajara. Please advise as to what doctor and what hospital you used. Thankyou
