Recall of Tylenol Expands on Adult Products – Smelly Chemical Issue – Bar Coding with Tags Really Needed To Alleviate Confusion and Problems Finding Products

More recalled products and this issue goes back to the adult products that were recalled a while back.  You can read about the prior posts on the children’s products imagebelow.

Johnson and Johnson McNeil Healthcare Group Recalls Children’s Over the Counter Liquid Medications


Actually the FDA, drug and device companies are setting up for a BP style problem with recalls the longer they continue to do nothing. 

Is a Non Technical FDA Recall System Like Another BP Oil Spill Waiting to Happen One Day

When you stop and think about the software end of things with devices (especially those that require software) think about your operating system updates you get with Windows, Apple, Linux and so on.  Even the big guys are constantly updating and improving their software and those are entire operating systems, so this part of the issue with devices is not going to go away any time soon, but we need to learn to live with it and adapt and be able to react quickly with a system that gets to hospitals, consumers, doctors immediately. 


Tracking Medical Device Recalls – Sounds Like A Good Place for a Microsoft Tag Data Base at the FDA

Here’s another reiteration on my little campaign here on how to handle recalls and be sure and cast a vote on the poll if you would value being able to use your cell phone to find recalled drugs and devices immediately.  This is the answer for both devices and drugs and enables the consumer and would make it easier for the FDA to regulate compliance too, so everyone wins here. 

Microsoft Tags on CBS Early Show – Wake Up FDA, Pharma and Medical Device Companies –Scan Those Drugs, Medical Devices and Synchronize with an FDA Tag Data Base – Recalls, Theft Tracking and More….

There have been requests to establish a UDI for devices and Johnson and Johnson has a few of those going on too so why not solve the entire problem with one solution that is simple and easy for anyone to use. 


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One other little side note here too is that the Tags will work with PHRs too so one technology that solves many issues as the device Tag can be stored in Google Health or HealthVault.  Here’s how they work with a PHR/EHR too. 

Microsoft Tags in Healthcare – Comments and Demonstration at “Microsoft Connected Conference” with Surface

There’s even work in progress to use Tags to adhere to the new DEA authentication requirements, so why create a glut of new software solutions when one can be used efficiently so solve many. 

RAZCODE (Microsoft Tags) Using Smart Phones to authenticate MDs When e-Prescribing Controlled Substances

This just goes to substantiate needing leaders with some in depth knowledge of Health IT and software capabilities and the inability to see beyond a simple UDI solution when a bigger and probably much less expensive program/software would do the trick and a lot more, non participants have a hard time seeing value. 

HHS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government

We have leaders throwing money around but yet they don’t participate themselves and do not make for very good role models at all.  BD

The New Brunswick, N.J., company made a large recall of those drugs and over-the-counter products, saying about 70 people were sickened by the smell. The odor was linked to a chemical in shipping pallets.

Recall of Tylenol, other drugs widens - Health - More health news -

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