Extormity Launches EHR Abstinence Program

Extormity is the product of SEEDIE and there’s a few more of their articles around the Quack and they do make us laugh and think about what we are doing or trying to do out there.  The are supplying several copies of popular mechanics for you to read while they do their work and look for employees to train your <grin>.  BD

SEEDIE – The Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult To Implement EHRs Submits Meaningful Use Recommendations

Electronic health record vendor Extormity today announced an initiative imagedesigned to encourage physicians to sign an ironclad EHR contract which includes a commitment to wait for 9-12 months until the company can hire and train implementation resources to bring practices online.

"The Extormity Abstinence program promotes our EHR as one worth waiting for," said Extormity CEO Brantley Whittington. "We are educating physicians on the dangers of fooling around with EHR vendors flaunting their affordable, web-based and easy to implement solutions. While tempting, these low-cost and try-it-before-you-buy-it EHRs remind me of the old adage 'why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.'"

"Like our other big-name competitors, our complex client-server solution requires a team of implementation consultants who will spend weeks on-site, re-configuring practice workflow, training practice personnel and disrupting patient revenues," added Whittington. "All of us are creating waitlist programs as we scramble to find employees. We have already extended offers to four of the recently extracted Chilean miners, and we are expecting a dozen new recruits to be released from a halfway house next week."

The Extormity Abstinence program requires a $50,000 per physician down payment and includes a laminated pocket pledge card, an "Extormity – I'm Worth It" wristband, and access to a virtual waiting room modeled after a customer lounge adjacent to the service operation at an auto dealership.image

"While I was enticed by some of the cloud-based EHRs out there, I have resisted the allure of an affordable and practical solution that can help me qualify for stimulus funds right away," explained Dr. Lewis McFaddenson. "I have been spending quite a bit of time in the Extormity virtual waiting room, which is stocked with back-issues of Popular Mechanics that date to the mid-70's."

Brantley Whittington/CEO

“My sole focus is on maximizing shareholder value, period…oh, and improving patient care, too.”

Whittington, a former Wall Street hedge fund manager, has a keen interest in EHR technology that dates back to a 2004 analyst report projecting exponential growth in the healthcare IT sector. Whittington provides leadership and vision, balancing perceived customer needs with the very real demands of Extormity investors.

About Extormity
Extormity is an electronic health records mega-corporation dedicated to offering highly proprietary, difficult to customize and prohibitively expensive healthcare IT solutions. Our flagship product, the Extormity EMR Software Suite, was recently voted “Most Complex” by readers of a leading healthcare industry publication. Learn more at www.extormity.com

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