Hospitalist Chats With ER Physician and Cardiologist–Humor (Videos)

These are funny and the Happy Hospitalist has few more over there and we are all being entertained today with the Xtranormal video series, these guys are good.  I imagejust picked a couple here that are perhaps what would appeal to all.  Hey some of this stuff is pretty real when you think about the traveling cardiologist and the demands on a hospitalist too as he’s the admitting guy at the hospital and has to work with the other doctors so his pages and calls can be many. 

In a humorous way we are looking at the passing of the baton, oh I mean patient here with all the information they are communicating back and forth and there’s a lot of it and as patients maybe we fill like a baton sometimes.   BD 

Hospitalist and Cardiologist
Hospitalist and ER Doctor

Hospitalist vs Cardiologist Xtranormal Medical Video Production

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