Supreme Court Likely to Rule on Healthcare Law Early Next Year–This Gives The Justices Time to Rent Some Computing Space from the DOE As They Will Need It

Well after this amount of time and different interpretations we want to make sure that all data and information is included so we get it right.  Why the DOE?  They have the third fastest computer in the world and they do rent out space.  HHS and the NIH have research running on it now so when it comes to something this big, get the right tech power to handle the details and put everything into a format that they can work with.  It makes sense and is exactly how business functions today so there’s not reason to go by the seat of our pants on this.  Here’s a little history on the Super Computer’s power and computing space.

1.7 Billion Super Computer Hours Awarded by the DOE–Biomedical Research Projects Included for Parkinson’s and Cancer

So far the decisions coming out of the courts have been a bit like Forest Gump’s box of chocolates in not knowing what we will get.

One More “Forest Gump” Judicial Ruling on Healthcare Law-Insurer Business Models and Algorithms Have Changed So What’s Wrong With A Law That Can Adjust to Accommodate

One other suggestion before digging in would be for the justices to check their current stock investments too for disclosure.  We have had some articles in the news where we had conflicts of interest to where they were not up to date with mergers and acquisitions and then by surprise found themselves in conflicting positions too.  Let’s get that out of the way first so we can eliminate any more such news as this is important. 

3 Judges in Health-Care Lawsuits Caught Up In Potential Conflict of Interest-It’s Called Subsidiary Watch-Be Aware of Your Investments With Mergers and Acquisitions

I think we are all very tired of some of the avoidable unintended circumstances we get today too. Today I was looking at one insurance company and their huge list of subsidiaries and gee they have everything from consulting with the FDA all the way down to reimbursement payments from the actual insurance side, so again it’s very much worth looking at for potential conflicts of interest as if through subsidiaries and decisions made, it could be one big conglomerate doing it all if they received all the contracts.  The post below has a few more details on the consulting arm to help drug/device companies with the FDA.

United Healthcare (Optum) Owns A Consulting Firm for FDA Drug and Device Approvals, Clinical Trials–CanReg - Subsidiary Watch

A while back too I wondered if any judge was capable of covering all bases and tendering an accurate decision and again it takes high powered tech to cover it all to query and organize. 

Healthcare Reform Law– Is Any Judge Fully Capable of A Decision on a Law That is Challenged By Constantly Changing Algorithms?

We are in a technological battle here to where the regulators have no clue how far advanced the financial world, including Health IT is and we should wake up soon.  I just hope the “default” issue from the 70s doesn’t arise as it does with Congress to distract. 

Digital Illiteracy Still Plagues Law Makers–Severe Focus on Abortion Rights Proves It–Is This Where Our Lawmaking Knowledge Leaves Off or Even Begins? Scary…

So let’s make it a good decision that is researched, discussed and studied and get over some hurdles.  It maybe not be as simple as a yes or no answer and that’s where that Super Computer from the DOE can really help sort things out and even model different decisions if necessary, big business does his all the time and cranks out a new business model today in less than 48 hours sometimes with their super computers, so laws need to keep up with the same technologies. 

If the ruling does not encompass all, then we have big business that will just run their algorithms and modify their model to still gain top profits but the formulas will tell them where the alternations will need to be made to stay legal with loopholes that are not addressed.   BD

The Obama administration set the stage Monday for the Supreme Court to rule early next year on the constitutionality of the president’s healthcare law by declining to press for a full appeal in a lower court.

The Justice Department announced it will forgo an appeal to the full U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Such an appeal to the 11-member court could have taken months and delayed a final decision from the high court until at least 2013.

In a 2-1 ruling in August, a panel of the 11th Circuit became the first appellate court to declare unconstitutional the new requirement that all Americans have health insurance.

The justices may also want to consider a new issue that could delay a final ruling. This month, the U.S. 4th Circuit Court, based in Virginia, threw out a challenge to the healthcare law by citing a federal law that bars disgruntled taxpayers from going to court until they have paid the disputed tax and filed for a refund.  Applying that rule, the judges said no court can rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act until after 2014, when the first taxpayer pays the penalty.

However, several other courts, including the 11th Circuit, said the penalty is not a “tax” and,  therefore, is subject to challenge before it takes effect.,0,675007.story?track=rss

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