American College of Emergency Physicians Suing State of Washington to Over Turn Limiting Medicaid Patients to 3 Visits a Year–Digital Illiteracy with Comprehending Math

There are 700 diagnoses which the lawmakers have ruled not emergencies and they include chest pain, abdominal pain and many more that could indicate serious conditions so if you have been there 3 times already in the year, you can’t go for visit number 4 if you have serious chest pains.  Other states are watching to see how this plays out.  The doctors state this violates Medicaid laws.  image

We all know by several studies that have appeared that when patients wait and don’t get care, it ends up being more expensive in the long run with no preventive care.  Only 11k of Medicaid patients see the ER room more than 3 times a month so what are we doing here, cutting out visit number 4 to save how much?  It sounds like the numbers for this law were mis matched a bit to justify cuts.  The entire medical community is united in opposing this law/rule. 

This so much reminds me of the digital illiterate governor Arizona has who could not find a million and a half and let transplant patients die.  This is why we need intelligent lawmakers who have some knowledge in the IT area as they believe any numbers that are put in front of them, good example right here.  Listen to this broadcast below and see if you don’t agree on how people think that all math and studies are gospel.  We have lawmakers who have not figured this out and their decisions stand to hurt all of us.  BD 

“Numbers Don’t Lie, But People Do”–Radio Interview from Charles Siefe–Journalists Take Note, He Addresses How Marketing And Bogus Statistics Are Sources of Problems That Mislead the Public & Government

The American College of Emergency Physicians is suing the state of Washington in an effort to overturn the decision that low-income Medicaid patients will be limited to three non-emergency visits to the emergency room each year, which goes into effect today.

The suit seeks to get rid of the limit, which it says puts patients at risk.

The limit, which was created to reduce costs in emergency rooms, comes with a new list of 700 non-emergency symptoms, including difficulty breathing, dizziness, early-pregnancy hemorrhage, gall stones, abdominal pains and chest pains not related to a heart attack.

"I don't want people to sit at home and self diagnose. People should seek care early for true emergencies -- that's what the ER is for. We're open 24/7, 365 days a year, so if your chest pains started at 10 p.m., you shouldn't wait until the next morning to call your primary care doctor," he said.

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