Cialis Approved by the FDA for Enlarged Prostate–But It’s Not Cheap

If a man is unfortunate enough to suffer from this condition, there’s relief in more ways than one it appears and Lilly will be pushing it.  There are other drugs that imagealso treat the condition but they don’t have the extra ED benefits tied in.  The drug is not cheap either when you do a comparison to Proscar for one example.  At close to $17.00 per pill and with taking one everyday with the lower dose, well you can do the math.  BD 

U.S. drug regulators approved Eli Lilly's Cialis drug to treat enlargement of the prostate, expanding use of the blockbuster impotence medicine.

The Food and Drug Administration said Cialis could be labeled for treatment of the signs and symptoms of a non-cancerous enlarged prostate, called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and also be used for people who have both BPH and erectile dysfunction.

About half of men over 50 suffer from prostate problems, which can cause difficulty urinating.

"BPH can have a big impact on a patient's quality of life," said Scott Monroe, director of the FDA's division of reproductive and urologic products. "Cialis offers these men another treatment option, particularly those who also have ED (erectile dysfunction), which is also common in older men."

In an interview in July, Eli Lilly CEO John Lechleiter said he expects the longer-lasting Cialis to overtake Pfizer's Viagra to become the market leader for impotence drugs.

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