Twitter Bots Fake Conversations and Affect Search Rankings with Contrived Algorithmic Web Chatter That Really Does Not Exist

This is good as scientists are studying how social media is shaping politics and how ideas spread around the web. In my opinion, this is a good project as “bots” can be used to stir up conversations, political issues and so forth.  Most of us that have imagebeen around Twitter for a while are pretty keen on recognizing a lot of this but there are those who do not.  I see some absolute ridiculous stuff out there, along with those who bore us with how many followers they have and so forth.  Those are at the bottom of the wood pile too, because who cares, it’s on the profile, so enough already:)  We all know it’s not the ultimate number of followers one has but rather the quality of those who read your feed.  Add on a little Klout reporting and this stuff really goes nuts and I absolutely laugh at how many on Twitter take Klout seriously.  Sure it’s out there, worth quick look to see some stats, but that’s about it and it’s marketing to make money from those who seriously buy in thinking it’s the gospel. 

The Truthy Project actually has reported some of this activity to Twitter and they cooperate and remove it, a good thing.  Watch out for the “dummy” Twitter accounts.  I like Twitter and there’s always someone gaming something that is good and what are the bots, another algorithm.  This is going to be year of finding the “dirty” algorithms out there.  Watch the video and see how 2 accounts were constantly retweeting each other supporting political candidates.  Tweet, retweet the two were feeding each other with the same types of messages.  There was not chatter, it was fake.  And then there’s the raking on the search engines as this moves the topic up higher.  BD

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