Supreme Court to Rule on Healthcare Law-Maybe the Court Can Enroll in Google BigQuery & Machine Learning Tech to Help Them Sort the Data-The Beta is Open!

Well this is Plan B, in case they can’t rent any space at the DOE as I suggested a imagecouple months ago.  Why not?  They are going to need data analytics on a lot of public data and so on.  How can you take a monumental law like this and not make sure you have peered into every nook and cranny?  This is like cheap or free too so why not use it for crunching numbers?  If they don’t use some type of technology to get and sort their data, well what do we get then????

Supreme Court Likely to Rule on Healthcare Law Early Next Year–This Gives The Justices Time to Rent Some Computing Space from the DOE As They Will Need It

So what’s the wait for the Supreme Court here to at least be enrolled, who knows they might like it:)  This last question though that the Google form ask for could be a little difficult to answer, maybe?  The White House could help them out I bet.  You imagethink I am kidding, well I’m not…yes this post has a flavor of humor to it but when you think about what they need and the mountains of data they need to review, this makes sense and perhaps they could also rent from the DOE if they still have space to rent. 

“How would BigQuery help solve your business problem? * Please explain briefly why you believe that BigQuery is necessary to solve your business problem; also what alternatives you're considering”


Here’s a rather lengthy video that explains how it works.  This is somewhat of a hard hat area describing data and mapping and how to script it.  It uses https and carries the standard Google privacy policies.  You can add others and of course use Google docs to work with the data.  It has a predictions API as well as the query functionality which can be useful as well for analytic purposes. 

What tools will the Supreme Court use to gather and analyze all the information they need to review the Healthcare Law….I guess time will tell…..BD 

Google BigQuery

Google wants to help you crunch big data like cornflakes.

To that end, it is opening up BigQuery, the service is designed for large-scale internal data analytics, to companies of all sizes, and it’s adding a web interface so you can do it all in the cloud.

Until now, BigQuery has been in a limited preview for a small number of developers. Now, Google is allowing a slew of interested companies into the BigQuery fold.

The service, which is still in a beta of sorts, will be free to users for the time being, and customers will have a 30-day notice before it switches to a pay-to-play model.

Interested parties can sign up now for access to the service.

Today, in addition to more users and a web interface, Google BigQuery will also feature a new REST API that will allow developers to run multiple jobs in the background and JOIN statements to run queries across multiple tables. Finally, Google is also allowing users to easily get results onto their desktops or into the cloud via Google Cloud Storage, and then to manage and share those results securely.

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