Your Hard Earned Taxpayer Dollars At Work–Digital Illiterate Members in the House In Session Sit Around and Play Solitaire and Check Facebook & Sports Scores

I keep saying these folks are digitally illiterate in Congress and this proves it!  When it comes to anything more complicated than Solitaire and Facebook they are lost and go back to talking abortions….this is why the Occupy movement lives…this was emailed to me today.  BD

“Attack of the Killer Algorithms” Part 3–Vatican Doesn’t Like It Either–Occupy Wall Street Belongs in New York As They Don’t Do Code or Algorithms in Washington–Only Find time To Talk Abortions


Digital Illiteracy Still Plagues Law Makers–Severe Focus on Abortion Rights Proves It–Is This Where Our Lawmaking Knowledge Leaves Off or Even Begins? Scary…
Occupying Wall Street–It’s All About the “Attack of the Killer Algorithms”–The Unfair and Marketing Exploit of Ethics Using Math–This Could be a Subject for Michael Moore to Explore and Document In a Movie

“House Minority Leader pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues play "solitaire" Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)
The guy sitting in the row in front of these two....he's on "Facebook", and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the "baseball scores". 
These are the folks that couldn't get the budget out by Oct. 1, and are about to control your health care, cap and trade, and the list goes on and on….”

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