Tucson, AZ Healthcare System To Form a Partnership With Not One But Three Hospital Systems, Tenet, Ascension, and Dignity, Maybe Getting That Care 360 Subsidiary In Place For Income Too?

The hospital will maintain it’s Catholic affiliation and Tenet looks like they are just an investor from what I read here with controlling interest over the assets.  We have due diligence going here for sure and who’s going to participate in who’s accountableimage care organization?  Will it be Tenet’s or Dignity, or both.  Dignity of course would be in place with their partnership with Optum a subsidiary of United Healthcare in which United is the controlling party.  You can see the ads all over the place as Dignity and United are putting in new employees that are not employed by either United or Dignity, but rather by the Optum 360 subsidiary.  From what I was told back at CMS folks about fell on the floor when the Optum 360 company was created.

United Healthcare Adding Yet One More Subsidiary to the Very Large Number of Subs They Already Own/Operate-Optum and Dignity Healthcare (A System Wide Cerner EHR Client) Form New Venture Called Optum 360–Subsidiary Watch

In addition if Dignity is in control here then United Labs might get a hold of some additional medical records to add to their collection of Mayo and McLaren too.  Boston Scientific is the first paying data miner I believe they have.  Dignity is an owner in the Labs deal so they would get to participate in revenue returns.

United Healthcare Adds McLaren Care Health System Into the Shared Clarity Data Mining And Selling Venture Along With Dignity Health

Again from what I can see here Tenet looks like an investor from a business side of all of this as Ascension is transferring part it’s ownership to let Dignity move into action as mentioned above.  Why else would they being doing it?  This is what I speculate anyway after following the massive subsidiary creations of United over the years who by the way looks to be selling some more ACO software as they just announced their affiliation yesterday with Banner Hospitals. 

United HealthCare and Banner Health In Arizona Form An ACO (Accountable Care Organization) - ACO Software Sales Must Be Booming For United…

If you look anymore at the models being used by HHS/CMS and those in the annual report from United you see the same things in one place and then over at the other with a few small modifications and we all know the #2 man at CMS is a long time former United executive.  Someone mentioned to me the other day they thought this long term United Healthcare relationship goes back to the Lois Quam days of her working for Hillary and John Kerry later, with needing to make a quick escape from the US Department of Justice investigation which ended up with the prior CEO of United being fined and I guess all the other charges against the current CEO, Lois Quam (who ended up as the #2 person at United) and others were dropped on back dating stocks, but all were named as defendants on legal documents. 

Tenet in the meantime is exploring a national group contract with doctors and cut some contract in California recently with orthopedic surgeons in the desert area and recently rebranded their urgent care centers which competes with what United is doing on that level.  Ascension is the largest Catholic hospital system in the US and created a VC fund a while back and also has their Cayman Island ownership with Health City. 

So once again attempting here to connect the subsidiary dots with United and the the possible reasoning for Dignity to swing into action with running the hospitals.  Time will tell once due diligence is done and if we begin seeing Optum 360 folks being hired there and EMR records going to Optum Labs.   It should also be noted that the Carondelet Health Network had combined operating losses of $90 million last year.  BD

A Tucson health network is in initial stages to join ventures with health provider companies based off Texas and California.

Carondelet Health Network and its parent company, Ascension Health, have signed a letter to form a partnership with Tenet Healthcare Corporation and Dignity Health, a press release from Carondelet said.

"We are excited to pursue the relationship with Tenet and Dignity Health," said James K. Beckmann, president and CEO of Carondelet, in the release. "Like Carondelet, Tenet and Dignity Health are committed to providing high quality, low-cost, person-centered care. This relationship is an opportunity to strengthen those efforts, enhance healthcare across Arizona..."

"The people of Tucson and Southern Arizona will continue to benefit from the tremendous dedication and talent of Carondelet's associates and physician partners," he added.


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