EO UMPC from Tablet Kiosk Mobilizes Southern California Physician

Dr. Jack Rubin, an internist and nephrologist is really putting his UMPC to work. Dr. Rubin is currently consulting and admitting at 15 local hospitals in the Orange County/Los Angeles area, as well as seeing a good number of patients at his local office.

Dr. Rubin makes the maximum use of his EO by being able to have the ability to have his patient records with him at all time. In addition, he also responds to emergency calls as needed. By maintaining a synchronized copy of his EMR (electronic medical records) with him, he is able to look up patient information in the matter of a couple minutes, the time it takes to boot the computer if it is not currently running. By having his records available and up to date, he can view all past notes, current medications, etc. relative to the patient chart and avoid creating needless errors.

I was able to catch up for a brief moment today with him as he stopped in the office in between hospital visits. He uses 3 methods of input with the EO, inking, a keyboard when needed, and also uses voice recognition. Voice recognition is very helpful for adding notes while at the hospitals as items are added immediately to the patient chart in the EMR. Having the ability to be mobile in today’s world not only allows for better patient care, but also helps in growing the practice, as time is not spent duplicating the same efforts with staff members having to do what he can do himself.

Dr. Rubin has been working at this for a while to get to where he is today with utilizing technology. By having his records with him he can also easily generate information from the patient chart to be used for admitting and consultations, thus providing a complete medical history of the patient chart. By having the ability to provide this information, sometimes this can and does lead to not having to order additional tests and wasting time, having to manually secure chart data from his office. It saves time for all and really benefits the patient with documented information relative to their current illness and treatment.

One of the real benefits of using the UMPC is the size. The UMPC has proven to be much more useful and portable than a full size unit, and yet offers all the same features as found on a larger tablet. Mobility has really paid off for Dr. Rubin. The EO UMPC travels with him at all times and is his constant electronic companion in the pursuit of better health care and I am glad we were able to provide the UMPC to help him with this mission.

Barbara Duck


  1. Fascinating and a neat find for me as I look into various versions of tablet PCs, handhelds, etc. Having been with Palm since 1996, I haven't come that long of a way (two dozen PDAs btw) but not a workable handheld that reliably quickens workflow and allows me to carry it all with me. Huge concern about committing $$$ to system now when so much is about to happen with EHR/EMR sofware and hardware...

  2. Thank you for the comments and links. The EO is really working to be a valuable tool for Dr. Rubin. I tend to believe there's a place for both a UMPC and PDAs today too. One good thing about the UMPC is that is will support anything that is done with a desktop and can even be a desktop replacement too. I thought I had the PDA market cornered, but you have outdone me with 2 dozen and know the value of having your information with you too!

  3. What happens when his tablet gets lost or stolen?
