Help the cash patient...$4.00 prescription links

Both Target and WalMart/Sam's Club have $4.00 generic prescription plans. There are around 300 on each list. It just could be a good idea to keep a copy of the listings available, as the price could make the difference on whether or not some patients could afford the prescription. Sometimes the $4.00 could even be less than the insurance co-pay amount. This is not an endorsement for either retail chain, but an awareness item that might be of help to patients and physicians anywhere.
The links below go direct to the pdf form which you can save or print for future reference. I had this exact situation happen to me recently and paid over $70.00 for a generic prescription for antibiotics when it could have been located on this list and filled here. I thought I was doing good at that point as the name brand was almost $100.00. As a prudent patient I think I might also entertain keeping a list with me when visiting a physician. $70.00 versus $4.00..not hard to do the math here. When we are not feeling well, sometimes items like this slip by and end up costing additional money needlessly and I fell right into that category myself but hopefully not again. The lists contain many drugs commonly prescribed.
Perhaps a good time to get started with free E-Prescribing too. Use the link on the right hand side for more information .

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