How Does the US Stack Up with Physician and Hospital Fees – Comparison

These are a few charts that show the US compared to Canada and a few countries in Europe, the UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands.  The US leads the way in cost in all areas.  The column for the US is also broken down into low ranges, averages and some charts show Medicare reimbursement along with commercial rates.  These are not the charges necessarily paid by the patients and in the European countries there is no payment or very little.  The cost for the the 2 drugs at the end are an eye opener as well.  The study was done by a consultant in the UK using publicly available information from the internet and other sources. 

There’s a reference at the end of the post whereby you can view the entire report.  BD









A couple drug comparisons here…



In case you wondered about what we in the US pay for health care compared with those unfree unfortunates who suffer under various forms of socialized medicine, here are some graphs showing the advantages of what Republicans here tell us is “the best health care system in the world.”  The graphs are from the International Federation of Health Plans.  You can download all the charts here,

Montclair SocioBlog: Top of the Charts


  1. There is not one person in the US that cannot walk into an emergency room and receive treatment. Further, Sanofi Adventis, a multi-national French based company produces Plavix. Shouldn't we blame them for gauging the US drug market? You have no right to free health care in the United States. It is an earned privilege. When did we start thinking it is a right or entitlement? Oh, I remember, when the politicians decided they could buy votes with offering free healthcare. They do this by taking my tax dollars to fund it. One more point, see how long it will take you to get a hip replacement with socialized medicine. In summary the author's prose is weak at best and uses weak statistics to back up the points. Nice try comrade.

  2. I don't know the perfect answer but one thing for sure is that the US leads the way with diagnostics and the equipment so in that area we don't have a problem but we need the people to run them accurately. Most other countries on a single system don't have the equipment and facilities we do so maybe single payer would be different here?
