The VA and Kaiser Permanente to Exchange Medical Records in San Diego – Pilot Program

Patients need to give their permission to participate.  Once again the question comes up about the potential of making the VA system, Vista available to the private industry.  Back in  2008 there was a hospital that broke all records with time in bringing in the Vista records system in Los Angeles, but unfortunately the hospital ran out of money and had to close.  BD

Century City Doctors Hospital Implement Enterprise-wide Clinical Application in Record Time - Open Vista (VA EHR)

Desperate Hospitals - Century City Doctors Hospital (Los Angeles) begins shutting down

The Veterans Affairs Department will begin exchanging patient medical records this month with Kaiser Permanente as part of a demonstration of large-scale health data exchange, agency officials announced.

The pilot program connects Kaiser Permanente HealthConnect and the VA's electronic health record system (EHR), known as VistA, two of the largest electronic health record systems in the country.

The VA is participating in a dialogue with industry on the possibility of making VistA available to the private sector.

The VA and Kaiser are asking veterans in the San Diego area to volunteer to participate in the data exchange program scheduled to begin in mid-December.

VA, Kaiser to exchange digital patient data -- Federal Computer Week

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