Top CMS Job Remains Empty – Does Anyone Really Want To Be the CMS Administrator?

This is a pressure cooker job for sure and one with a lot of responsibility for decisions, decisions that are hard and difficult to make as technology keeps changing the rules every day.  We have seen quite a few retire recently and I think this might just be the case.   On the other hand what is a imageCMS Administrator going to do until we have healthcare reform?  Maybe it’s due to Congress dragging their heals that this position has been placed out in left field. 

With the current status of the economy and reform, it’s hard to take a job like this and get a feeling of accomplishment as there’s really nobody around that going to give you much backing, a lot of grief and accounting from those who are non participants and don’t understand though will complain and judge, that part is a given.  I do hope when the position is filled that we do in fact get a role model of some sort and start stamping out “Magpie Healthcare” with those who only repeat and have little personal involvement in their own healthcare.  

Maybe we just spend too much time passing judgment and not enough time collaborating and embracing the technology that throws us a left curve every day.  BD 

Health care policy experts are largely resigned to waiting until health care reform legislation passes to learn who the next CMS administrator will be, but some are dismayed that 10 months into a new administration, no permanent appointee has been named to lead the world's largest and most influential health care payer. Read more...

Top CMS Job Remains Empty Despite Big Medicare Changes On The Horizon

Health care policy experts are largely resigned to waiting until health care reform legislation passes to learn who the next CMS administrator will be, but some are dismayed that 10 months into a new administration, no permanent appointee has been named to lead the world's largest and most influential health care payer.

Following the November 2008 presidential election, some Washington insiders expected the incoming administration would quickly fill the top CMS post (The Gray Sheet' Dec. 1, 2008).

Medical Devices Today: Top CMS Job Remains Empty Despite Big Medicare Changes On The Horizon

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