Hospital in New York Evaluating Telemonitoring System for Medication Compliance For Patients Discharged From Hospital to Ensure Medications Are Being Taken After Inpatient Services

The key here is for the hospital of course to give the patient the medications versus filling at a pharmacy so the RFID tags can be put in place.  The RFID tag speaks imageto the cell phone and creates the data trail, what time the medication was taken, missed dosages etc.  Upon receipt of the information at the hospital it it analyzed and if you are that patient who missed a dose, there’s a pretty good chance someone will be on your tail about it. 

The system was designed for clinical trial use as well with support from the National Cancer Institute and support from the National Institute on aging.  You will not forget your medications (grin).  Presently the system is still under a trial basis for patients discharged with heart failure.  BD

Nyack Hospital in New York is evaluating the use of a telemonitoring system called eMedoline, which leverages RFID smart labels to monitor medication adherence in discharged heart failure patients.


According to an RFIDNews report, medication packaging is equipped with an RFID inlay that collects and wirelessly transmits medication data in real time via a patient’s phone.  This process helps verify patients are taking the right drug at the right time, while monitoring patient report outcomes.

The eMedoline system was developed by Crystal Lake, Ill.-based Leap of Faith Technologies to help patients transition from the inpatient to outpatient setting. The technology facilitates compliance data collection and helps manage dosing. By integrating the wireless capabilities of RFID and cell phone technologies, the system essentially turns a cell phone into a medication sensor.


All data collected from the phone is sent to a secure server, where it is available for clinical review and analysis, according to the article. Alerts can be triggered, allowing intervention in the case of missed medications, or adverse events, before they pose a significant health risk.

Cell phones as medication sensors | MobileHealthWatch

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